Only Jesus Can Transform Our Life


This is off Our Daily Bread entitled Facing Our Past.

I’m moved. I’m not particularly proud of my past. Or better yet, where I came from. Nothing too bad or traumatic happened, but with my dysfunctional family and our way of life, I’m not too proud of it.
Reading this, it makes me realize I wouldn’t probably strived harder if it weren’t for the hardships me and my family had. I would never keep working so hard to achieve my goals. I would never become the person I am now.
So where is my faith in the picture? In every challenge I face, everytime I try to better myself, or try to rid of my sinful deeds, I ask Jesus’ help and guidance. He has become my sole confidant during those quiet times when nobody would wipe away the tears I silently cry.
I can’t be all too proud of my past, but now I have a better viewpoint on how I can start facing it.